Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Wedding season

Today, as i opened facebook, I got to know that two of my college mates got engaged this weekend and their mariages are scheduled for the next quarter. This has now become very common, as I am progressing towards mid twenties, many of my peers are heading towards the nuptails.
Most of the times, I just like their pics and congratulate them,mentally calculating one more removal from the list of eligible maidens I knew.. ;-)
Yesterday, my roomie broke the news about her best friend getting engaged.She had goosebumps while sharing the news with me.. That made me think a little deeper into the situation..
I wonder how I would feel when any of my close buddies would head for marriage. I will certainly be happy for her, but deep within there would be a pleothra of feelings- a mixed state of emotions..
Last month a close friend told me that she was seeing someone and their relationship was now getting a little serious, to the extent that they sought for a future together. She appeared to be calm and confident.Yet, when she broke the news ..I was a little shocked and maybe even disturbed.
I was scared as well as excited!
Scared , maybe about losing her.Excited,  about her excitement for the same..
Offcourse I am protective as well as possessive about her, not that her fiancee would anyways be less concerned about her well being, but I would certainly have to share my space with him. Certainly her priorities would shift from the senseless chit chats we did, to a greater more responsible level of maturity. I would no longer hold the same value as I presently do. Things would certainly change, sooner or later. That thought made me a little low.Yet, I was very happy for her! She seemed to be enjoying this new phase in her life and wished to share the joy with me..she described everything in detail and seeked my approval too.
I was overwhelmed and blank at her state of mind- her nervousness, her shy smile and the passion with which she described her new found love. This was a reason for me to know that she was happy.. She kept describing him, and I was glad that she had finally found someone to fill the voids in her life...
For the next few days, all she talked about was her conversations with him, about the changes in her life, how busy she had been because of him and how much attention he needed.I did not know how to react.Suddenly he was the fulcrum of her life.His habits, his nature, his family, his liking- disliking was all she cared for!
Like a good friend,I patiently listened to her, gave her my best possible advises and tried to be around in whatever situation she needed me....yet i could feel that the connection was gradually amiss.
While i looked at her like my old friend, she was gradually changing. Her life was now revolving around that relationship , her in laws, the wedding preparations and the similar things. Being a nuave in that department, I could no longer relate to anything pertaining to her.

Today the situation is such that we hardly talk on the phone.She is too busy with him, and I do not feel like disturbing her, moreover I am not very interested in talking about a person or a situation where I can hardly make any difference. Even if we talk, it is mostly about how her relationship was going. At times, i know she is going through a rough patch, yet I cant really help her.At times, when she calls up to share her excitement, i do not relate very well to it. What is even more weird is that she does not seem to mind the gap.Or maybe she is too busy with her adaptations that she fails to notice the gap popping up..
Like a sensible person, i have placated myself on the pertext of human psychology. I try to understand her viewpoint and look at only the positive aspects at her end. I try my best to act selflessly and to be happy in her happiness.
I know she is happy and that she has taken a step ahead in her life!
I also realise that very soon, I too would be taking that step, and maybe then I could again connect with her like before.
Till that time, I just wish the best for all those who are new in relationships or about to get married. I realize how challenging it is to ramp up with his greater responsibility in life, you certainly need lot of time and patience to settle in with the changes!
I also wish that "still single" people like me do not feel lonely or frustrated or whatever to see everyone getting married.Someone special is waiting for you too...there is still some time left, to learn from the experiences around and to share the joy of others :-)

1 comment:

  1. Having a best friend who just got married ...I totally relate to this post..Its as though someone has spoke my mind and heart... :D :D
    read this post two days back to comment...BTW big thanks for writing this and making me feel normal for my confused emotions :) :)
