Tuesday, August 6, 2013

I have learned that....

1. I have learned from my grandfather that one should never walk bare foot, even inside the house. This is a habit that is kind of imbibed in me , right from childhood. I have seen the days, when my grandfather used to scold us if he saw us without footwear. It may or may not be a very good habit, but for me it compensates for my laziness in washing feet often. I am glad that due to this habit inculcated by my grandfather, i do not put dirty toes on my bed.
2. I have learned from my mother to invariably use dustbins. I have seen many people who throw toffee wrappers or small  titbits of paper in the room, especially at nights, since the daily sweeping is bound to happen in some hours. But somehow,I am still not able to do it. Even when I feel very lazy to walk till the bin, I try to keep the waste in my pockets and dispose it whenever I get up next. This small habit has really inspired my room mate , who tries to follow the suit now .
3.I have learned from my grandmother to smile a lot. When she died, I remember people repeated the same thing regarding her- “We shall miss her permanent smile:” That inspired me- come whatever big or small issue, her smile never ever faded. I trained myself to be like that. It has helped me in many ways.Smile is a part of my personality now.Atleast that is people’s impression about me.Hope to have the same last impression on people whom I know :-)
4. I have learned the importance of “Sorry ” and “Thankyou” from the Hollywood movies and from my father :-) Small and stupid as it may sound, but it is true! I value these words! Many people are miser when it comes to their free usage, as they so called express unasked formality among friends and close people. But, right from childhood, I noticed my father never missed to say a “Thankyou” when i handed him his cup of tea, or offered him water, or any such small thing. I appreciated that acknowledgement. Same is the case with “Sorry”. One word can save valuable relations in just a minute! I use these words generously, and am often urged not to be so formal..Yet, I firmly believe in them.
5. I have learned to not waste anything- may it be food, water, light or even money. I make sure to switch off lights and fans before leaving the room, turning off water tap as soon as it is done, serving only that much food in plate,which I can consume,etc.I do not know the source of this learning, maybe it is a family tradition that got inculcated in my nervous system.But i appreciate this learning and I wish to continue with it forever.
6. I have learned that sometimes it is okay to let go! Holding on to some things and memories is only a pain, and a waste of time and energy. Sorrows blinden us for a better future.Sometimes, despite best possible efforts , things go wrong! One should be acceptable and bold enough to face this truth. Times change, people change, circumstances change.It’s best to be open for such changes, what is genuinely yours will come back to you eventually! What does not come back to you, was never meant for you and does not deserve your attention and time. Forget the bad, forgive easily and do not fail to realize the important things in life.Life is too short to keep worrying about the past. This learning is still in infancy, yet i can see the benefits already.
7. I have learned that your mood is totally in your hands. You are the only person who can decide how you wish to feel about yourself, and what kind of mood do you want for yourself. You have total power to mould your mood.Once you decide to stay happy, all bad things also fail to bother you! The friend who gave me this learning actually implemented this in her life. On the day her brother was struggling for his life, she knew she had to stay in a happy mood to present a strong face for her family.She was calm and did her best to divert her attention and focus on her responsibilities. I was proud of that friend.
8. I have learned that sometimes it is important to discuss things with people who hold value in your life. they care for you, breaking the ice strengthens the relations and also makes one feel light and happy :)
These are the important things which I can think of as my learnings so far. I am glad that i gave a thought to this ..:)

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