Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Chameleon-god's unique creation,that changes color according to its environments.The best example of what we call 'adaptation'.Isn't it? How easily it can save itself from the dangers-by being exactly like the surroundings.
Sometimes i wonder-is this the god's suggestion to live life?-to survive in this competitive world?
But then -when i try to recall the color of chameleon,i realize the fact that all its life-it keeps changing itself-trying to blend in the environment-it has no real identity of its own.For it,life merely means to know what is the need to hour for safety,and change accordingly.It survives-but at the cost of its own self.
There are so many times in life-where we have an option.Adapt and adjust according to situation." When in rome, act like romans"-they say.
It seems practical.If you won't do it-you will loose something-someone else will do it.say for example-in a competition-you know others are using 'unfair means',so why can't you?even if you won't use-others will-maybe you score a 8/10 on basis of your caliber,but others get a 10/10 by his "ideas'.Practically he will be a better performer for the world.Maybe a few people-who know your talents will appreciate your sincerity,but then what?
Such situations are confusing.
To stick to principles or to be a chameleon?
The world around me smoothly lies even for things as small as getting late for a lecture.When next time i get late for college-should I also join in the excuse-"tyre got punctured"( which is the safest and most acceptable excuse!) or should i be bold enough to tell the truth "i woke up late" and then be ready for the scolding or maybe being sent out of the class..
For a surprise test,everyone has a book opened beneath the desk,should i also cheat,or write whatever i know?i may pat myself for my honesty-but later when results are declared-will anyone understand my explanation ?
Will i still be proud of my decision to play fair.
People around me like to hang out without reason-but personally i prefer being at home.Should i tell this fact and do what i like-or should i join others in their mad race.
I don't like gossiping about others,but everybody around me is indulged in this.even if i decide not to be like them-will i really be accepted in their group,or will i end up being a loner because i never add spices to their gossips.
these are the situations -when i may adapt-its an easy way-but i may also be what i want-i may still try to maintain my individuality.
initially it'll be very difficult-seeing the less deserving candidate win is not easy to accept.
Does sticking to principles really help?
All moral value books teach-honesty is the best policy,stick to what you believe is right-truth alone triumphs-be good,do good.
But i really wonder-do these values still hold in present day context? Its difficult to accept-but i feel that being a chameleon is not the solution-losing your identity is not the only option.
Whatever you feel is right-be daring enough to stick to it!
Be yourself! Don't compromise with your principles-for in the long run-your results maybe forgotten-but your identity will stay!
Whatever we are today-is because of the conscious efforts of our parents and ourselves-what we are today is what we chose to be!
We have formulated a concept of right-wrong,fair-unfair,right from our childhood!Then why give that up now?
I own and live a identity-the satisfaction of discovering it and then the efforts to maintain it are really a true joy of living.
The result or temporary failures may be a test-to keep our own selves alive!to discover what you are and what you want to be!
Will post soon-keep smilig till then.


  1. The Post brings the picture of struggle of mind to be good or crooked in a beautiful way with examples.. It inspires to be what you are.. than to copy someone else.. in a simple way.. without being too offensive.. it does not storm you from inside.. but gives you the feeling of what is wrong.. that is the beauty of post.. Thumbs up.. with a nod..:)

  2. i feel that the only solution to this dilemma, i.e, whether to act like a chameleon or to retain your originality, is to search for the answer within yourself. If you feel that you are treading a correct path, and your actions are not contradicting your principles, then go for it. Don't worry about the opinions of others... Infact, you dont need to seek approval from others for something, that you find to be right (just as you mentioned in one of your earlier blogs)

  3. i tot u wer wth chameleon but u turnd out to be urself... me being a CHAMELEON by birth wil tel you somthn.. changing colors is nt a bad thin cos tats your charecterstic... you cnt say a chameleon notta change its color nd be lyk odrs cos u are cheatin.. god made it tat way.. so its a gift frm gawd.. enjoy it... I LUV BEIN A CHAMELEON....
    Bout the post, great.. luvd it a lot...

  4. just a thought to ur work : though chameleon changes its identity but ironically it does wat it is intended to i.e. adapt to the surroundings by changing color so y not us all do wat v r intended and required to, rather than falsifying things....

  5. i guess accepting people they way they are,adapting to situations and being accomidative with the people around u does the trick...that even a non chameleon-er can do!

  6. Hi Ishi! I had no way of contacting you back regarding being a guest blogger. Can you write a blog post for me about your favorite book as a child? What it was, why you liked it, and what kids today can get out of it? If you could email it to me I can edit and schedule to post. My email is tzucker72 [at] gmail [dot] com

  7. Congrats on making through 3 years of Engineering, its quite a task, for me too. Just kidding.

    Oh and while reading your post, I was reminded of a chapter in my Hindi book which described the thoughts of the writer as he gazed into the distance and watched a tree sway and a stump just standing and then being cut down and carried away by this world.

    Its conclusion was, be strong when its principles... but when it is not, be very flexible. Just like a tree... strong by the trunk, flexible by the branch and leaf.

    Oh and thank you for dropping in.
    And seriously, do the really send you out of class for telling that you woke up late?

    Blasphemous Aesthete

  8. will try this one... the "got up late" someday...
    it can be fun... ;)

  9. hey ishita....i reaaly wanna thank ur parentsfor imparting such etiquettes n manners in you....that u nvr act lyk a chameleon...I can cite many examplez wen ur principles dominated over ur wishes....I know sumtimes even u want 2 do dose things which v ppl do.....well I cant suggest anythng 2 u regarding diz blog coz u alrdy know much more bout it.....aftrol u hve writtn a page long post about it.....as far as itz content iz concerned i just luved it.... u r d first blogger whose blog i hve read so dedicately....dere r obvsly 2 reasons of it...
    1...I am ur frnd n I shud read it...
    2... I m alrdy fond of ur writings....

    nywz gud luck....

  10. hey dear... i like ur spirit with which u put up u r post buddy...
    The Darwin's Theory still applies in this world- "The fittest one survives"... its the era of competition ... no one cares what others think bout u ...everyone is here for making there own future... no one cares the route of reaching to success ..its the "SUCCESS" that matters...m having tonnes of such examples around me...bleeeeeeee....waiting for u r next post!!!!
    Gdnyt !!1

  11. @saumitra- thanks fer d appreciation..i really admire the way u comment..u can make anyone feel as if its his best creation:-)
    @ jd-thanks dear..m glad u liked it..n m surprised u still remeber the approvals post..i guess it really affected u..lol!!
    @kiko-wow..man u got it..its nt easy to own up being a chameleon..tht too by birth..n ya i loved ur perspective abt it being a god gift to the creature..

  12. @akhil- hey..thx fer dropping by my blog.n i agree tht one shld do wt one is intended to,bt unfortunately..we dont really do that..we alwaz tend to overdo..jst to prove ourselves smart!!!
    @madhu-glad to see u again on my blog..n i loved the new term.."non chameleoner" devised by u:-P
    @tina- guest posting on ur blog was a pleasure...

  13. @blasphemous-hhe..thanks..fer understanding my pains in engineering!!
    n though in 4th year they dont send us out..like they did in frst year..bt they give murderous looks evn now!!
    @karan-fer that u will hv to cometo college buddy!!!lol!!
    @neha- thanks dear..fer manneres n etiquettes..its really a big big compli fer me..thanks fer making me the frst lucky blogger to get u..
    lol!!keep reading!!

  14. @chameleon-tell u what,,first of all its a great topic...n seccondly,its ur best attempt....till date...acc to its name-lion on ground...so ya at tymes we got to be chameleon,to adapt ourselves,even at the cost of so many morals,ideologies...n at tymes...we got to stick to the same,,to keep alive...keep alive our soul,its screams,its true presence....so i say ur inner soul is ur best critic...it guides u best(dat even ur parents can't)....so....keep moving,adapting...till a threshold whereafter ur soul starts pulling you back..."trust it" :)
